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Colonoscopy video series

​​​​​​​​A colonoscopy test lets the doctor see the inside lining of the colon and rectum. This is done with a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible tube with a light and small video camera on the end.

Watch these 4 short videos to help you get ready for your test and to learn more about colorectal cancer screening.

Video 1: What is a colonoscopy and why do I need one? (05:38)

Learn about the colonoscopy test, the benefits, and risks, and what informed consent is.

Printable handout:


Video 2: What to expect during and after your colonoscopy (07:41)

This video will guide you through the entire process of your colonoscopy. You’ll learn when to arrive, and what to expect during and after the test.


Video 3: Your 5-day guide for your colonoscopy using a 4-litre bowel preparation (09:07)

Learn what you’ll need to do to get ready for your colonoscopy in the 5 days leading up to your test. You may find it helpful to read or print the handout that goes with this video and follow along.

Printable handout:


Important: If your doctor or healthcare provider recommend you use PICO-SALAX or Bi-PegLyte, please see the handout below for instructions on how to take these products.

Video 4: Colorectal cancer screening (04:21)

Learn about the 2 types of screening tests for colorectal cancer – Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) and colonoscopy. You may be referred for a colonoscopy if you have an abnormal FIT result.


More information

To find out more about colonoscopy, go to or speak with your healthcare provider. For more information about cancer screening, go to Screening For Life.

Current as of: November 17, 2023

Author: Cancer Screening Programs, Alberta Health Services